We are an AV rated firm of dedicated attorneys who concentrate on handling workers compensation claims for employees who have been injured on the job. We provide skilled and aggressive representation to obtain the most favorable outcome for our clients at the trial and appellate levels.
Workers Compensation
Social Security Disability
Injuries under the Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act
Personal Injury Claims
People who have had the misfortune of suffering a workplace injury that may change their lives.
People from all walks of life and all aspects of the workplace. Cashiers, teachers, custodial workers, security personel, daycare workers, carpenters, construction workers, school board employees, union workers, bus drivers, truck drivers, painters, roofers, longshore workers, civil servants, laborers, medical personnel, clerical workers, technical workers, factory workers, heavy equipment operators, dock workers, flight attendants, baggage handlers, hotel and hospitality workers, food service personnel, trade workers, public safety workers, machine operators, communication workers, traveling employees, sales people, warehouse workers, management personell, professional workers and even professional athletes.
Among our list of professional athlete clients are players from the National Football League, Arena Football League, NFL Europe, Major League Baseball, Minor League Baseball, National Hockey League, East Coast Hockey League, International Hockey League and Major League Soccer . For more information go to SportsInjuryLaw.com